All-Call Notifications

With the new year, we have started using a new all call system. The new system reads directly from the contact information you have listed in Skyward. Please make sure you have your Skyward contact information correct. Here are some frequently asked questions:
How do I get logged in to Skyward to update my information?
If you are not sure what your login and password are and need them, you can always call the office secretary of your child’s school.
I want to add or remove my phone number or email to/from the all-call list.
All contact information is sourced from active accounts in Skyward. If you want to get calls regarding delays and cancellations, you must be a guardian for a student and have your contact information up-to-date. If you no longer want to receive the calls, you can remove your phone number or email from Skyward. This is not recommended. If the notifications are not wanted, I would suggest just not answering or blocking the number the text messages come from. The phone calls come from our school phone number so blocking this number may prevent you from getting important information at a later date.
Why do I only get calls sometimes, but I always get the text?
We have an option to allow the alert to be a “Smart Alert”. This lets the notification go out as a text message first and only calls you if we cannot confirm the text was received. This is a very easy to miss selection when we are rushing to send out a time-sensitive alert and if missed, we will send out another alert to make sure everyone gets a call as it seems to be the preferred method.
Why don’t I get alerts as an emergency contact?
When we send out alerts, we have two options. These are Smart Alerts and Urgent Alerts.
Smart Alerts are typically used for delays and other information we want to send to specific groups or schedule to be sent at a certain time of the day.
Urgent Alerts are instant mass notifications intended to give information to as many people as possible as quickly as possible. These are rarely used and are intended for emergency use only. These are the only notifications received by emergency contacts.
If you are someone helping out the guardians with child care, travel to school, etc. and want to be included in all delay notifications, we ask that you work with the guardians to get added. Our system requires this to get the correct data. We also need current guardian permission to add additional guardians. In addition to this, the alerts we post get sent to the Carroll County Comet, WLFI, our Facebook page, and put as a pop-up banner on our website.
If the information above does not help your situation, please feel free to reach out to your building secretary at any time to confirm your Skyward information is correct. We are asking that everyone log in to Skyward and verify it has the correct information. Any further requests to remove or add contact information for guardians and emergency contacts will be referred to the FAQ above.